Sunday, November 10, 2013

And we are done done done

It's official. The scale means nothing to me. We are done. I'm not going back. I'm not changing my mind. We are done. Forever.

I've known for a while that the scale was evil, I didn't totally buy it though. A piece of me needed to know the number. How much? How many pounds? Is it more, less, the same as yesterday?

I only weighed myself in the morning. No clothes. Before I drink anything. I've been known to step on the scale, hate what I saw, move the scale, step back on. Sigh. It was a horrible relationship. It could and would ruin my day. A stupid number from a stupid piece of junk. That dumb thing has made me cry countless times.

Once I started crossfit many people at the box told me "the scale doesn't matter". They talked all about "it's how you feel, how your clothes fit, and if you are seeing progress in the gym". Fran time faster? Great. Got a pull up? Awesome. Added 50 pounds to your clean? Badass. Still, I got on the scale from time to time. Not as often as I used to - but anything is better than everyday. Every.Day.

In January my box did a Paleo Challenge where they did a BMI test with an ultra sound machine. Super cool. Super awesome. There were measurements, ultra sound wand, and a scale (bastard). The machine took measurements from my waist, hip, and tricep  - did some sort of magic voodoo in the computer and spit out a number. My body fat % was 33.2. Yep. Fat. Duh, that's why I was starting crossfit AND doing a paleo challenge.

Well, guess what? I've worked hard, cleaned up my eating, and kept moving. Today I checked out the old body fat numbers. I've had a smile on my face all day - it was that great. 25.9. I can't say it with without smiling. I have thought about that number all day. 33 to 25. Fuck. Feels good. Craziest part? The scale reported 1 pound loss. WTF? My body fat went down that much and the scale is going to reward me 1 pound. I hate you.

That was my breaking point. The scale and I are done. What good is that number to me? No good. No good at all. The body fat % made me want to conquer the world, I'm pretty sure I stood taller, and naturally I can now lift everything better and faster. The scale just made me want to quit. Asshole.

Monday, November 4, 2013

CFA 1st Annual Throwdown

Saturday our box did their first annual throwdown. It was so much fun! The coaches were judges and anyone who wanted to compete could. Girls started first and then the dudes went. It went from about 9am to 12:30 ish - good times.


1st Event:
Thruster Ladder (Guys will start 95# and move on in increments of 10#, ladies begin at 65# and go up by 5# they will have a minute to perform the lift, if they fail they must deadlift for the remainder of the minute as a tie braker)

2nd Event: Crazy 8’s
8 Power Cleans 115/75
8 Burpees
8 Goblet Squats 16kg/12kg

3rd Event: Swing, Jump & Lift
5 Deadlifts 185/115
10 Box Jumps 24/20
15 KB Swings 24kg/16kg
Of course I had a plan. My goal for the 1st event was to hit 105#. Thrusters suck and I typically only do them in a WOD which calls for 65-85#'s - not a ladder.  I was able to get 110#! Go me! I cleaned 115# and got the front squat but could not get it over head. Oh well. Sam did well with this too.
 My goal for the 2nd event was 7 rounds. I was able to get 5+7. The burpees took it out of me more than I thought they would. I think this was the hardest workout of the day. I was really glad when this was done. Whew!
 My goal for the 3rd event was 6 and I got 6+1. Yipee! This WOD was my favorite. The weight and the movements were totally my style. I felt great after this one. Very tired, but great. 
 Going into the finals I was in first place, which was very exciting. All the girls there were great and worked so hard. We all cheered for each other and encouraged each other. I love that about CFA.
 Final WOD:
Translation: 400 meter run, 10 pushups, 20 knees to elbow (handing from a bar), 30 front squats (45 pounds), 40 kettlebell swings, 50 situps, 60 double under jump ropes. This is not my jam. I can do all the movements, but not super fast. Oh, and I do not like running. I got through it, but it took a lot of cheering and a lot of mental toughness. A lot of mental toughness. This is when I have to really focus on me, not the people around me and what round they are on. Just keep moving and keep going. I finished in 9:30.

Results? I won! It was so much fun and doing 4 WODs in one day was not as terrible as I thought! Sam made it to the finals also and scored a 4th place finish. Pretty proud of that guy!

After the throwdown a few of us went for burgers and fries. Yum. I was SOO hungry. Then it was time to recover. I sat in an ice bath, drank tons of water, and wore my compression shorts. They only soreness I have is my shoulders. I couldn't believe it! I thought I wouldn't be able to walk. I guess all that mobility CFA coaches are always talking about really is good :)

My new moto

Inside waistband of my new Reebok shorts. LOVE them

My moto for the Throwdown. Made goals for me that I can actually control. Loved it.