Monday, June 23, 2014

New Week. New Work.

Been a little bit since I what have I been up to? Getting some sun at the pool, lifting, crossfitting, and getting ready for summer break! Wahoooooo!!!!

I have also taken some baby steps towards one of my goals: RX competition. I want to be an RX athlete, but I'm not 100% ready. How do you get there? Pushing. Stepping out of your comfort zone. So I heard about a competition through Crossfit Rehoboth. The details: two online WODs, top 20 get invited to the event at their box (hehehe), and $15. Sold.

The first workout was released last week. It was a tough one. 7 minute AMRAP: 15 American kettle bell swings at 24kg (52.9 pounds) and 7 burpee pull ups. I did this workout twice as I just wasn't happy with my first attempt. I knew I could do better. I submitted my second attempt and so far I'm in last place. I'm ok with that. Why? I completed a true RX competition WOD. Period. That was the goal. To be able to participate. Did I think I was going to win? Nope. Did I think I was going to be in the mix as a contender? Not really. The second workout gets posted Wednesday. I am so nervous and excited to see what it is. 

One cool thing about this competition is that you can watch the other videos (after they are finalized). So I have watched a few and learned a few tricks and things I can do better. That's what it is all about, right? Getting better? You can't do that by doing the same thing day in and day out. You gotta get scared sometimes, step out of that comfort zone, and test yourself.

I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine and you are all making some plans to step out of your comfort zone!

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