Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ripping off the bandaid

I have been thinking a lot about Triathlon I want to still do them or hang up my Tri shoes? Sam and I talked about selling my bike, but I just couldn't commit to it. I felt like a quitter and getting ride of my Tri stuff just didn't feel right.

I reached out to a friend on my Tri Team and asked for some guidance. She basically told me that I should do one more - can't end on a DNF - and see how I feel. If after a successful Tri I feel done then I have some good closure and know that Tri's are not for me. On the other hand, maybe it's what I need to catch the bug again.

So, what did I do? I promptly registered for a Sprint in July. It's a race I've done before (I do love to compare data) and it's close to home. The Colonial Beach Sprint Triathlon. Sam is going to do it "with" me so that takes away some stress. A few teammates are doing it as well. After I felt like throwing up I did start to get excited. Getting back into this is going to be good. Closure or rekindle my love of racing - I'm ready for either one.

A few things that are different this time around

1. Sam and I do not qualify for Clydesdale and Athena categories anymore. What!??? Clydesdale for men is 220+ and women is 165+. I am pretty excited about that!

2. Went for a run/jog with my Garmin for the first time in a LONG time. Had to change the settings because I'm down 10 pounds since the last time I wore it! Need the accurate weight for the heart rate monitor :)

3. I have not worn my Tri kit or racing gear in about a year because it didn't fit. Tonight I will go home, try it on, and hopefully have some more breathing room.

Here's to ripping off the band aid and seeing what Team Hardman is really made of!


  1. Hurry! ....a happy side effect of this decision is that i get to see you on wednesdays now :)
