Thursday, September 17, 2015

Crossfit Annandale Throwdown 2015

To celebrate buying CFA and our members we had a fun Throwdown and Grand Re-Opening Party! We always say we are going to take pictures and then don't....or we take three and they are awful. This time we enlisted Linette from Wodtography to capture our awesomeness. She did a pretty great job!

The CFA Crew
It was a rainy Saturday and everyone came to work hard and party hard. Here is what the day looked like:

Event 1:

6 Min Cap
25 Burpees
Then find your
1RM clean and Jerk

It was a great way to start the day. A 1RM is always fun, gets everyone cheering and gets the jitters out. Those 25 burpees were not fun - but they never are.

Event 2:

10 Box Jumps
25 Kettle Bell swings

This might have been one of the harder workouts I've done. It's "only" 6 minutes. There is no stopping. There is no slowing down. Forearms were on fire!

Event 3:

7 min Cap


Shoulder to Overhead

That last picture is an exactly how that workout felt. Awful. So much pushing, jumping, breathing, sweating......whew!

The final workout was a chipper and went a little something like this:

400 M run
10 power snatches
20 toes to bar
30 front squats
40 double unders
400 M run

Oh, and it was raining

Everyone worked hard and the energy was great!

So far being gym owners has been great. A huge part of everything going so well is the members at CFA. They are great! There are always so many smiles and hugs to go around. Our community is strong in so many ways!

A big Thank You! to the coaches that put on our great event. Sho and Samnang. You guys rocked it!

Thank you to our sponsors too!

Caffeine and Kilos



Natural Grips

Wod Repair Lotion

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