Friday, July 30, 2010 of one

Right now I am feeling like the only person that has ever had a running injury and I will NEVER heal! My hip is still sore, it's been one week off of running. I know that is not a long time to rest, but it feels like forever.

Everywhere I go I see runners. They are sprinting, gliding, pounding the pavement to their goal. I'm stuck on the bike (which actually has been great) and I have a 1/2 marathon in 1 month. All I think about is "what if this is it?" - no more running for me. No more training, goals, races.....shirts!I went to the store and bought 2 running skirts yesterday, just to prove that I'm not done with this. I WILL run again - soon I hope or I will loose my sanity.

There are bright spots during this injury. I turned 30 yesterday! Wahoo! Feels great, got lots of love from friends and family. Presents - always! The boys slept until 7:30!!!!! Normally 6:30 is the wake up call for "juice! Milk! toons!" Sam got up and made me breakfast while I took my time getting out of bed. I cannot remember the last time I slept until 7:20! I took the boys to daycare, went shopping (no work for me), and went to lunch at Ray's Hell Burger. Yum-O! We finished the day with a pool party at my in-laws and a laid back dinner.

Today I pick up my birth dad, go to lunch.......get more supplies for my birthday party. I know time off from running is not the end of the world, there are tons of things I can do and tons of things to be happy about. I never thought "take a week off running" would make me feel anything but happy. What? No sweating, hurting, cramping, exhaustion? Where do I sign up? I do really miss those things though. I also miss my Sole Sisters. We have not done our long runs together in 2 weeks. I have really come to need those.

Here's to turning 30 and healing this hip!


  1. First off, Happy Birthday!! Sounds like you had a great day yesterday, it's awesome when the kids sleep in :)
    Secondly, I can really relate to how you're feeling about not being able to run and taking time off!! My shins started hurting last week and I decided to take some time off from running to let them rest. I've been riding the bike like crazy at my spin classes...but, I agree it feels like forever since I last ran! all I can say is hang in there! I'm hoping that when I start running again I'll feel even stronger because of the rest and cross training. Good luck and hope you recover & heal soon!

  2. Totally know how you feel. When I was out with my stress fracture it seemed like the whole world had taken up running.

    hope you heal up quickly!
