It's been almost 2 weeks since Superfit DC. I'm recovered. It did not take 2 weeks........well, maybe mentally. It's such a big build up. It's such a long day. My partner, Holly, and I had a blast. We work well together, this was our second competition together......hopefully with many more to come. Here's the scoop:
WOD 1:
Yep. Thrusters. 3 of them. Heavy. I had a hard time not jerking at the top - but I hit 125# which was awesome because my goal was 115#!!!
WOD 2:
I should have known better - but on paper my partner and I were all "We got this!". Turns out that this was hard. Not in a "I hope we can do the movements" kind of way.....but it was just a lot of arm/upper body stuff and time went FAST!
WOD 3:
Ew. Wall balls. Bleh. We did sets of 10 with fancy throw high and switch. Yes. We are fancy, even when tired. My partner did the last 20 and I headed to the rower. We ended with 81 calories.
Christmas Abbott was there. That was awesome. My second time meeting big deal (yes it is).
Don't worry, I'm working on my arm placement
My husband LOVED meeting her (only his 1st time)
Warm up area
You don't have a crotch shot pic? Weird......
This was my husbands first two-person competition. He did great!
on the rower
wall balls of death
thruster city with a unicorn shirt
toes to bar - again, that unicorn shirt was magical
You are right. I am not in this pic. My partner had bronchitis and I took her home as soon as we finished....missed the group pic
Thank you to everyone who came out to cheer, take pictures, and take video. It is always so much fun to hang with friends and work out!
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