Tuesday, July 20, 2010

and so it begins......

My quest to pack in the race calendar for the next few months (before that cold sets in) is getting intense. I was going through what I have and realized I do not have a race in August! Oh no! How did that WHOLE month slip by me?? I'm sure I will be more than fine, but I'm itching to find something.....somewhere.....anywhere.....

I have two races in September: 1/2 marathon in Va Beach with my Sole Sisters! and my 1st sprint Tri a week later in Williamsburg (Patriot Sprint). October calendar: sprint tri with Sam, Lee and Alyson and then my questionable Halloween race. I am currently signed up for the Marine Corp 10K. It was a temper tantrum registration, I wanted the marathon.....but I did not register fast enough. So, I decided the 10K was my backup, pity run.

Long story short....I have spent a decent amount of time today stalking people who have bibs but can't do the marathon. So, I have 2 emails out there in cyber world....who knows....maybe I'll be running in the marathon this year! I get goosebumps just thinking about it.

As for now I'm going on with cross training for the Tri, racking up the weekly miles for the 1/2 in va beach. I'm trying hard to get 2:00:00 flat.

ok - back to check my email and continue stalking marine corp marathoners


  1. I can't believe you're going to go for a marathon!!! I don't think I'll ever be able to pull that off!

  2. Hi Ann! I am enjoying reading your blog as I feed my little one. He is 1 week and 1 day old today. I have done Marine Corp a couple times. A great first time marathon. I also know it can be pretty easy to get a bib. Check craigs list often although you are more likely to find a number closer to the event date and that is tough because you have to be training assuming you may or may not run it depending if you find a bib or not. Good luck! I know tons of people doing Marine Corp this year- I am debating possibly running it myself (although it will be slow and first one back post baby). Your blog is great. Keep up the awesome training! :)
