Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blood, Sweat, and Tears

My long run for this weekend was a 9 miler. I've done them before so there was no fear of the unknown and I've been on top of my training plan - mostly.

Friday night I decided I would run Saturday and Sam said he would ride on the trainer next to me. We had a few shoes DVRd - so I figured NO BIG DEAL. Boy was I wrong.

I woke up Saturday feeling frustrated about my weight. I've done really well, but I was just feeling defeated and down. Mix in with that the knowledge that I have to run 9 miles. I knew I'd run it on the treadmill and Sam would be there so it wouldn't be so bad. I procrastinated as long as I could and then hopped on the treadmill. I was quiet, feeling very sad, and teared up right away. At 3 miles I hit "stop" and burst into tears. Sam was not really sure what was going on, but he gave me a huge hug. He also gave me "10 more seconds to cry hard and then you have to stop". I pushed out all the tears and just stood there.

Sam made me hit "start" again and told me that I'd feel so good when I hit 9 miles and I'd be mad at myself if I didn't just do it. I stood there. I whined, thought of any way to get out of the run, and then told him I had no energy. He agreed "you wasted alot of energy crying and pouting" - ouch. He was right though. He left and came back in with a flat sprite and two Gu's. "Now get going".

I finished the run - all 9 miles. I was soaked with sweat and tears. I was really glad that I finished and crossed it off my training plan. I would never have been able to do it without Sam. He's pretty great that way. After that we ate lunch, went to the mall (SUPER crowded) and then hung out with some great friends. So nice that I have today to relax since I used up all my energy yesterday.

Next weekend is my last long run - 10 miles. BUT I get to run it in St. Lucia!!! Sam and I plan on running around the island. The weekend after that is the half marathon. I'm really excited to be running it with Sam. It will be his first and I can't wait for him to see how it feels to do 13.1 and earn a medal!

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