Friday, April 19, 2013

That was the hardest WOD ever

Once I got home from the WOD this morning the boys asked me what I had to do. I rattled off a HUGE list of things like: box jumps, double-unders, push ups, toes to bar, man makers, and air squats. Whew! I was tired just listing......and that was the WOD - didn't include the warm up and skill set. I was tired.

I announced "That was the hardest WOD ever". My 6 year old promptly replied "You've said that before".

Yep. I have. Not every WOD is the hardest ever, but more and more are feeling that way. Today was extra hard because I worked for the toes to bar and double-unders (first time I've done them in a WOD). The stronger you get, faster you get, and more confident you become the harder the workouts can get.

I'm stepping out of my comfort zone by adding more weight, trying new tricks (handstand pushups), and adding newly learned moves (double unders) into the workouts. I do think the more people I met and make connections with helps too......once you get to know each other you cheer each other on and there's an element of not wanting to let down the team mate you know (opposed to the stranger you may not see soon). There was lots of girl power this AM and that is always a great way to start a Friday.

I do hope the awesome feeling of STRONG does not leave me anytime soon!

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