Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What's your goat?

At the CFA box (hehehehehe) there is a giant white board with a once real-live goat head on it. What's it for? You write your goals/goats up there. What do you need to work on? What do you want to master? I honestly was nervous to write anything on it for a while. Why? I am still learning to put myself out there and be ok with not reaching a goal quickly or needing to modify that goal. I used to think modify = fail.....now I'm starting to realize that modify = still moving towards that stinkin goal!

So far that board is magic for me. The first thing I wrote on there was double unders. Those elusive bastards. I wrote it up there and worked and worked. One day it clicked and I did one. I couldn't believe it! Instead of erasing it from the board I added the #3 in front of it. That quickly changed to 5, then 10. Last night I did 16 double unders in a row! I could NOT believe it. Crossed that puppy RIGHT off the board.

The second thing I put up there was toes to bar. Thanks to the intensity of the Crossfit Open and wanting to get as many points as possible I got those too! I erased that off the board and have been able to do them in WODs lately. Yeah!

So last night I needed to write a new goal. Having something up there to work towards is really great for me. It helps me focus and work towards something. A friend has a goal to do Annie in sub 10 min. I jumped on her goal and decided now that I have double unders I will work towards that too. It will be my first Girl WOD rx.

“Annie” - for time:
  • 50 double-unders
  • 50 Abmat sit-ups
  • 40 double-unders
  • 40 Abmat sit-ups
  • 30 double-unders
  • 30 Abmat sit-ups
  • 20 double-unders
  • 20 Abmat sit-ups
  • 10 double-unders
  • 10 Abmat sit-ups
Women's CrossFit Annie Repeat Tee Short Sleeve Tops L98185
WHEN I reach this goal I will get this!

Clothing rewards are my favorite....now......food used to be my reward. Bad habit to get in. Great day? Ice cream cone. Awesome workout (no matter how long)? Pizza. You get the idea. No wonder we struggled with weight. Good times = good food = nothing fits. So now we are trying to reward ourselves with a new shirt, going to a Nats game, flowers for the kitchen.....etc. I have to say, it's a lot more fun. We are doing this with the  boys too. If they MUST have a treat it's healthier (fruit leather, baked chips, seaweed crisps) or we hit up the dollar store or 5 below. That place is ALWAYS a hit.

Lately Team Hardman has been all about having fun and keeping healthy and clean. Some days are harder than others but it's totally worth it!

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