Monday, April 1, 2013

14 Changes for the better

I've been doing CrossFit since the beginning of December 2012. I have changed so much since then......for the better. I don't think I could ever really explain enough how much I love it. But I will try:

1. I have learned to think about what I'm putting in my mouth/body (that's what she said). Did you know there are a million sneaky ways to say "sugar" on a nutrition label? Also, those sneaky bastards put sugar in EVERYTHING

2.  CrossFit has reinforced that I'm super immature and words make me giggle (box, jerk, snatch, wod)

3. I have learned to do double unders: jump rope master! My kids got jump ropes for Easter because they are so jealous of my skills.

4. I have improved my ability to lift on every lift

5. I can now do toes to bar (yes!!!)

6. I have made new friends that are just as in love with CrossFit as I am

7. I have lost 14 pounds - with plans to keep getting fit!

8. I have increased my wardrobe of spandex and its actually starting to not look terrible (just cause it comes in an XL doesn't mean you should wear it)

9. I feel strong, like really strong. Like don't mess with me in an alley strong :)

10. My kids think I am a super hero

11. Clothes fit better AND I get to buy more in smaller sizes!

12. I am finding I am getting pretty good at this weight thing - that feels awesome!

13. I am looking at bathing suits without wanting to cry

14. I have not had 1 migraine since I began CrossFit and eating Paleo - take that Imitrex!

CrossFit is not for everyone, I know that. I try very hard not to push it on people.....but it's hard because I love it SOO much. I have found that my body responds best to lifting weights, cardio, and the intensity that CrossFit brings. I also have discovered I'm a sugar addict and it was in almost everything I was eating. I do now believe "Abs are made in the kitchen" - don't worry, I don't have them....Yet.

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