Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Diet through the years....

I know, it's been a while since I posted. Gotta get back into it!

Over the years, since I graduated from college, I've tried a million different "diets".

In grad school it was Slim Fast. Ugh. Not sure why I thought that would work at all. It didn't. It didn't even last that long and was SOOOO pricey.

When I got into the work world it was "bring a salad for lunch". I'm not sure on what planet I thought a lonely little salad would give me the energy to get through an 8 hour workday with elementary school kids, but I thought it was healthy.

Then I got pregnant. Oops. No more diet, right? I can eat whatever I want?! Sign me up! I signed up and gained 60 pounds. Awesome.

I had Sammy and tried some meal replacement shakes, Shaklee Cinch. I had good success and felt healthy and energized. I really liked the program. Hit pre-baby weight and OOOOOPS - pregnant again!

Once again - gained a crap ton of weight. Ugh.

The day I got home from the hospital I started Shaklee Cinch again. I started going to the gym, just walking, and watching what I ate. I also was chasing around a 15 month old and nursing. Whew! I ended up winning a Shaklee Cinch Success story! That was awesome, motivating, and had a $500 payout! Weeeeee!

I signed up for a 5K and have never looked back.

I am currently eating Paleo. I'm loving it. I've been pretty hardcore about it for the last week (although, I refuse to give up alcohol :) ). A friend at work is helping to guide me through it and answering my questions. It's great to have here there at work and socially so I have some pressure to be honest with my eating. I even got a Paleo cookbook. I can't wait to try the recipes!

What all have you tried to loose weight? Any favorite Paleo recipes I should try?


  1. Ann,
    I'm going to a Clean Eating class tonight. I'll have to look into Paleo. I am a big fan of Isagenix cleansing program as well. It has helped me maintain that "pre-baby" weight as well. I am with you in the 70lb weight gain with both kids!

  2. I've struggled with my weight my entire life, up until I was about 32 years old & took up running/fitness lifestyle change. Now it's not a "struggle", but I DO have to practice constant vigilance. Between the ages of 15 - 32... I tried every fad diet in the books - name it, I've done it.

    So... this is an unpopular stance to take on someone else's blog BUT I'm going to go for it and hope we're still friends afterwards...

    I just took a 16 week nutrition class. Ultimately, what it comes down to is calories in versus calories out. And realize that the body is able to quickly store fats, where it has to work to store the calories in protein & carbs. in theory, you should be able to eat what you want, as long as you stay under the calorie count that works for your body. So in other words, if there is something you LOVE that is NOT on the paleo diet, don't tell yourself you have to give it up. You are an adult, you can eat what you want. Just be reasonable about the portion that you allow yourself to have. All that said, if you LOVE the paleo diet and don't feel crimped by it, then, by all means, go for it.

    Wow. I just totally hijacked your blog. Sorry about that...

  3. So far I love it - but again - not giving up alcohol :) Thank you so much for your post! Totally open to all theories/thoughts/ideas. I would love to take a nutrition class - where did you do it at?

  4. i sell shaklee and i love the cinch shakes for recovery as well...
